Nearly 30 years ago, I heard a pastor say something that stuck with me: “Mary Christmas.” At the time, I thought it was just a clever play on words. But over the years, it has transformed the way I see Christmas—and how I walk with Jesus. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is often overlooked in…
Author: Pastor Kenny White
Preparing Your Hearts and Mind
Have you ever showed up to worship on a Sunday and been so distracted you found that by the time worship services ended you wondered if it was even worth attending because you were so distracted? Most of us have been there. Unfortunately, our society and culture have high demands on our time and we…
Should I Be Anointed with Oil: From Weak to Restored
Anointing with oil is a powerful practice that we should consider in light of the tapestry woven throughout Scripture. It consecrates us, calls us to our priestly duties, and reveals our identity as royalty through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Do You Hear What I Hear?
I’ve understood some of the Scriptures in different ways, I have heard a large section of Scriptures at one time, and I have caught themes and context throughout a larger section of scriptures. Therefore, I want to introduce you to this nearly forgotten practice (insert drum roll…) HEARING the Word of God.
Life In View of the Cross
There are a variety of faith practices, spiritual disciplines and behavior that help us to walk nearer to Christ. An example may be our daily devotions. Daily devotions are where we spend time in the Bible, studying the Word and praying. This is a very helpful faith practice for the believer to calibrate their day and prepare for God’s plan. Fasting may be a spiritual discipline that allows for many things not the least of which is to put our body under control of the Spirit (denying the body’s natural urges to submit to spiritual authority). There is another faith practice, and that practice is found in living a life in view of the cross.