


In the Old Testament covenant the people brought offerings of animals or produce not only as a sacrifice to atone for their sins, but as an offering to the Lord in thanksgiving and joy for all He has done. In the new covenant Christ has become our perfect atonement and sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 10:10). It is then our delight to give our Lord the first fruits of all He has blessed us with in thanksgiving. Sacrificial giving from the heart carries the great blessings of God (2 Corinthians 9:6-16).


Online Giving Is Easy and Secure:

  1. Make a one-time gift or set up an automatic recurring offering based on your preferences.
  2. If you create an account, log back in anytime to make additional donations, view your online giving history, or make changes to you or your family members’ basic information.

Give by Text

Text Give to 952-230-2300 and follow the prompts.


Give via the Mobile App

Download the app and use it to conveniently make donations.


Weekend Offering

An offering is taken at each Worship Service. If you need offering envelopes please feel free to Lisa Broden or call 952-447-0531.


Give by Mail

Donations for either campus should be sent to our business office:

Friendship Church
17741 Fairlawn Ave
Prior Lake, MN 55372


Did you know?

Friendship Church gives 10% of General Fund donations to Missions. We give because He first gave to us. As a church, we tithe to Missions with a joyful and obedient heart, knowing He will take care of the rest of our needs, and use this tithe to further His Kingdom.


Gifts to the General Fund vs. Friendship Church Legacy Giving Endowment


Would you like to leave a Legacy Gift?

Leaving a legacy gift to the Friendship Church Legacy Giving Endowment is more than just a financial decision. It's a testament to your faith and a way to ensure the ministries you cherish continue to thrive for generations to come.


Learn more about legacy giving options.




Prior Lake Campus
(Mailing Address)

17741 Fairlawn Avenue
Prior Lake, MN 55372

Shakopee Campus

12800 Marystown Road
Shakopee, MN 55379

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General Info

Sunday Worship Times
Both Campuses - 9:00 & 10:45am 

Office Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm (M-TH)

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