

The purpose of Women's Ministry at Friendship Church is to equip women to love, live and serve like Jesus. Together we spend time seeking God, studying His Word and connecting with one another. Bible Studies and events inspire our hearts, enrich our lives and strengthen our relationships…especially our relationships with the Lord.

Bible Studies


Tuesday Mornings

Women in this study will enjoy a large group teaching, then break into small groups for discussion and prayer. A variety of Bible Studies are offered throughout the year, providing a way for women to dig deeper into the Bible and to grow closer to God and to each other.

Thursday Evenings

In each session, women will study a book of the Bible and focus on a section of Scripture each night all in a small group setting. Their time together will include group discussion, interactive discovery, and will provide an opportunity for women to learn from each other and grow in community.


Giirlfriend Gatherings

Girlfriend Gatherings

We love getting to know each other, and special events give us the time to do just that. Girlfriend Gatherings are large-scale events offered throughout the year and are designed to bring ladies together for worship, community building, growth and fellowship.

Fellowship Events

From crafting to outdoor activities, we welcome you to a variety of activities throughout the year to experience a community of women who support and love one another in Christ.


The annual Women’s Retreat covers a variety of topics and is designed to be a time to get away and spend intentional time with God and other women. Typically offered in late spring, all women age 18 and up are welcome!


Womens Mentoring

Becoming: A MORE Mentoring Ministry

Becoming is a mentoring ministry for women who would like to experience more of Jesus by meeting one-on-one, relationally and authentically, through encouragement and prayer. We are partnering with MORE Mentoring Ministry to train and equip mentors to walk alongside another woman and point her to Jesus.

If you are interested in being a mentor, please fill out the mentor interest form.
If you are interested in being mentored, please fill out the mentee application.



Womens Mentoring


First and Third Tuesdays, 9:30am — Prior Lake Campus, September through May


The Mom Community (MOMco) is an international organization founded by seven women with the desire to invite mothers to meet regularly and grow as women, parents, and leaders with the ultimate goal of reaching people with the hope of Jesus.

Here at Friendship Church, we provide child programming, food, and host speakers who present on a range of topics from health and wellness, parenting, boundaries, marriage, and more. This is a time for mothers to come together and feel supported on their faith and parenting journey.

You don’t have to be a mom of littles to get involved, we are always looking for child programming volunteers and mentor moms. Please reach out to Anna Mayer with questions.

Please view the MOMco page for more information.





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Prior Lake Campus
(Mailing Address)

17741 Fairlawn Avenue
Prior Lake, MN 55372

Shakopee Campus

12800 Marystown Road
Shakopee, MN 55379

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Both Campuses - 9:00 & 10:45am 

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8:00am - 4:00pm (M-TH)

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