

We take the responsibility of being a church member seriously. Through membership, our lives are spiritually connected with the lives of the other members - (1 Corinthians 12:25-26).

Because this is true, we ask people joining Friendship Church to sign a membership commitment stating their intention to be faithful members in regard to their:

What Are The Membership Requirements?

  1. Testimony of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  2. Baptism by immersion following a testimony of faith.
  3. Members are expected to:
    1. Continue to grow spiritually through faithful church attendance.
    2. Serve the Lord by volunteering in a ministry of Friendship Church.
    3. Give joyfully and sacrificially to the Lord.
  4. We encourage those who are new to Friendship Church to attend a Welcome Luncheon to get to know the pastors and staff, and to get their questions answered.

Commitment To Spiritual Growth

It is God’s design and desire that each church member grow spiritually both in character and in their relationship with our Lord - (Galatians 4:19).
The goal is for the very character of Jesus to be formed in us so that we live out our lives the very way Jesus would if He were living in our bodies. This growth will be accomplished when you:

Commitment To Serve

Jesus makes it clear that the decision to follow Him means that we will use our lives like He used His life, to serve others - (Mark 10:45).
When someone comes to true faith, the Bible tells us that the person receives spiritual gifts (special abilities by which we can serve) - (1 Corinthians 12:7,11).

Volunteer Guidelines

  1. Explore your spiritual gifts. If you are unsure of your spiritual gifts, we encourage you to take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment.
  2. Understand that God-given gifts aren’t always known in advance, but will be revealed as you serve.
  3. Understand the importance of serving the Lord and prioritize, evaluate and balance your life according to God’s Word.

Commitment To Stewardship

One of the most important challenges of becoming a true follower of Christ is the discipline of giving our financial resources to the church and God’s kingdom. Jesus said both our hearts and faith
would be tested at this point - (Matthew 6:21).

Want To Know More?

To learn more about membership at Friendship Church, please email Autumn Warden or call 952-447-0526.



Prior Lake Campus
(Mailing Address)

17741 Fairlawn Avenue
Prior Lake, MN 55372

Shakopee Campus

12800 Marystown Road
Shakopee, MN 55379

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Both Campuses - 9:00 & 10:45am 

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