Do you have a pet peeve? That one irritation, often outside of your control, that gets you every time. For some it’s grammar mistakes. For others it’s not putting the toilet seat down. For others it may be bad driving behavior on the roads. Whatever it is, we all have at least one. For me,…
Author: Tracy Hatch
Tracy Hatch is the Executive Director of Friendship Church and the founder of OneTen Ministries ( and She lives in Minnesota with her husband and two beautiful fur-babies. Tracy is a writer, speaker, and executive who is passionate about Jesus and helping others come to know, love, and follow Him as both Savior and Lord.
Fall for Jesus
Fall reminds us that this earthly life and most of what we toil for and focus on are temporary. Like the summer green gives way to falling amber hues, this too shall pass. Falling leaves are a reminder to hold unswervingly to Jesus, the one who will never fall away.
Almost Forgiven?
“Friend, please hear me today: the degree to which your sin is forgivable is dependent not on the weight of the sin but on the magnitude of the One who forgives. He is bigger, greater, good-er…and more faithful, more true, more gracious, more pure, more perfect, more merciful, more loving, and more compassionate.”