During hurtful situations, whether we have been hurt by someone or we are feeling hurt from life circumstances, we have a choice. We can allow that hurt to create a cycle in our life. A cycle of hurt people hurting people.
Category: Marriage
Wedding Vows
The wedding vows. Whether or not we’ve sat and tried to write them ourselves with the intention of saying them to another person, or if we have been attendees at a wedding ceremony where we’ve sat and listened, as third-party witnesses, to two other individuals say vows to one another, most can agree that it is a particularly sacred moment during the service.
Valentine’s Day
“While I believe marriage is a supremely important relationship in this life and different than just hunting for love, it can do the same thing to our mentalscape. A hostage takeover. But isn’t marriage beautiful, God-created, and all the things? Yep, and if we’re married, we should be honoring the choice we made, investing in our marriage, working for it, believing in it, enjoying it.”
Marriage Checkup
“Every married couple has a need to do a check-up to make sure their relationship is healthy and growing. In Song of Solomon, the Beloved says to her Lover,”