5 Reflections of being created with Purpose
Sometimes we get things out of order! We like to get to the end or we may focus on the journey! There is a term often used in brainstorming called, Z-Thinking. It requires you to start with the end in mind! It is a great practice. It helps people think through process. It also focuses on the journey to get to the end. However, in life, we may want to begin with the beginning. Life doesn’t seem to be as much about process as it is about building. There is certainly a journey and there is certainly an end to this side of eternity but we are building and if we are building then we need a foundation so that when times are tough and we feel lonely, our building doesn’t crumble.
I didn’t just make up the idea of our lives being a building. Jesus referred to His own life as the Temple (Matt 12; Matt 26; Matt 27; Mark 14; John 2) and 1 Peter 2 reminds us that we are being knit together as a sanctuary for God. We are being built up! If we are being built up then we need a foundation. That foundation has an impact on the entire building.
There have been many things written throughout the years about the impact of meaninglessness. However, this season of COVID-19 has highlighted this concern. The CDC has written about the increased trends of mental health (including increased substance abuse and suicidal ideation). Perhaps the increase in these issues fall on the issue of “meaninglessness.”
Is it any wonder that when we teach our children that they evolved from primordial ooze on accident and that they will live and die with only self-given meaning that we imprint them with great meaninglessness and hopelessness? Therefore, we need to get back to a very simple foundation.
The Foundation:
“In the beginning, God created… (Gen 1).” God created… and when He created, He created with order and for a reason. Therefore, you and I start with purpose! Let us not begin by limiting that purpose to a vocation. That would be silly. When we assume our profession is why we exist or that this “one thing” is why we do what we do, we often miss the point. We are parents, workers, children, neighbors, believers, consumers, thinkers, doers, etc. So it is terribly important that we begin with the fact that we are created purposefully! Here are some reflections on being created on purpose, with purpose and for purpose.
1) We are no accidents –
Because there is an infinite God who is the Creator, and He makes everything for a reason (see Genesis 1), and He calls it good and He governs creation, then it is a fact you are here on purpose! No matter what others have said, nor the textbooks… we are created with purpose and for such a time as this!
The passages are numerous that point to this truth. When considering the entire narrative of Scripture it is an obvious logical conclusion that God created us on purpose.
2) We are a part of a design –
There is a grand picture. History pointed to the coming of the Messiah and now points at the Messiah. We are a part of a cosmic orchestration not a cosmic accident. This orchestration will point all creation to the beauty and wonder of a beautiful and perfect God who redeems! We get to join in on the fun!
3) There are things bigger than us –
In a time when it seems like the world is all about us, it is important to know that there is something (more like Someone) greater than ourselves. There is a God who loves us deeply (John 3) and draws us to Himself. He designed us with passions and gifts to point others to Himself as He draws us to Himself! What an amazing God!
This truth is bigger than us and yet we join in and build this beautiful building. How amazing to consider that God allows us to join Him in His work!
4) We make an impact –
Because God creates with purpose then it is important to note that we make an impact. If word pictures are your thing then consider the strands of a tapestry. Each one is needed and crisscrosses very purposefully with other strands. From the back of this tapestry it looks random, from the front it is obvious! You are a part of a tapestry and you make an impact!
How wonderful that one day we will see and understand God’s ultimate plan and His design throughout, and how we joined in!
5) Others are also created on purpose –
Let us not forget the obvious. If we were created with purpose and on purpose then others were also. Some may think that means that we all lose value (if everyone wins then no one wins). However, that is not a valid biblical conclusion. Each person has a place and has a role.
Starting with the end in mind is helpful when we are working on a project but it is not the way we live life. These days have brought up many challenges. These days have made us question things that perhaps, we’ve never considered before. Take heart! God has a plan… and you are part of His wonderful plan!
(NOTE: This article is simply stating the foundation and our need for it. Dig into the Scriptures to find out more about God’s plan. This plan builds on a foundation and leads to salvation then to sanctification then to glorification.)