Have you ever showed up to worship on a Sunday and been so distracted you found that by the time worship services ended you wondered if it was even worth attending because you were so distracted? Most of us have been there. Unfortunately, our society and culture have high demands on our time and we…
Prayers of Remembrance
A few years ago, when we were walking through the book of Genesis during a sermon series, we studied how Abraham would pause to build altars and remember all that God had done in the past. Throughout Scripture, we see a pattern of the Israelites recounting the awe-inspiring miracles that God performed for them time…
Read an Old Christian Book
As you are looking ahead to all that this new year may hold for you, I’d like to issue a simple challenge. Read an old Christian book this year. I suppose I should challenge you to read two old Christian books this year. Certainly, your soul would benefit from regular encounters with God’s Word –…
It’s Christmas Time – Get Busy
It’s Christmas Time – Get Busy Tis the season…for people to write blogs about how busy Christmas time is. If there is something that Christian and non-Christian bloggers, podcasters, artists, and Hollywood writers can agree on, it is that the Holidays are too busy, and that you need to make them less busy. Just a…
Are We Making a Difference?
Have you ever felt like your prayers are not being answered? Like, “What’s the use? Nothing is changing?” Those were the thoughts of the missionary couple who wrote a baby congratulations card and prayer to my parents when I was born. My father was 18 years old, and my mom was 25 when I was…